SAR Measurements and Compliance to Standards for Wireless Devices

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SAR Measurements and Compliance to Standards for Wireless Devices

Publicado en 02/06/2022 15:00:00

When a wireless device is in use, biological tissues of the human body absorb some of the electromagnetic field (EMF) energy, and the closer we are to the device, the stronger the concentration of energy. One of the assessments especially important for measuring this energy is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). SAR measurements evaluate the EMF energy and determine the rate of absorption by the body.  

International committees, such as IEEE or IEC, have established SAR standards to ensure that the RF energy of wireless devices does not exceed recommended limits. For example, in the United States, mobile devices must stay below a SAR limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram average, measured from 1 g tissue volume. Each newly developed device is required to have its SAR values measured and certified that they are compliant with the standards.  

If you need to test your products for SAR, and you wish to get your in-house lab certified to meet the standards, MVG can help. We provide a line of SAR equipment qualified to ensure compliance with certification standards, as well as measurement services for probe and dipole calibration in our accredited ISO 17025 Lab in Brest, France.  

For more information about the MVG SAR measurement system:

ComoSAR datasheet

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