Publié le 17/02/2022 17:30:00
MVG's state-of-the-art Wideband Dipoles are specially designed as precision references for low-gain antenna measurements and chamber reflectivity evaluation. Their wide bandwidth minimizes the calibration time, by doing the work of up to five narrowband reference dipoles typically used. Keep your OTA chamber calibration as simple as possible without switching reference antennas and with a cost effective solution!
- Wide bandwidth
- Low loss and high efficiency
- Azimuth pattern symmetry due to entirely symmetrical design
- Light weight for easy handling
- Stiff and robust mechanical design
- Precision machined
- High reliability connector
- Solutions from 130 MHz to 10 GHz
- Perform ripple test over a wide operational bandwidth
- Evaluate chamber reflectivity
- Fully compliant to CTIA
- Reference for Wi-Fi 6