200 Ressources
Documents techniques
Experimental validation of Reference Chip Antennas for 5G Measurement Facilities at mm-Wave
Documents techniques
Experimental Validation of Minimum Redundancy Scanning Schemes in PNF Measurements at V band
Documents techniques
EMC Measurement System Based on Software Defined Radio and Diagnostic Techniques
Documents techniques
Comparative Investigation of Spatial Filtering Techniques for Ground Plane Removal in PEC-Based Automotive Measurements
Documents techniques
Comparative Testing of Devices in a Spherical Near Field System and Plane Wave Generator
Documents techniques
Accurate Calibration of Truncated Spherical Near Field Systems with Different Ground Floors using the Substitution Technique
Documents techniques
Estimation of the Realistic Ground Effect in Free-Space Automotive Measurements
Documents techniques
High Performance Dual Polarized Near-Field Probe at V-Band Provides Increased Performances for Millimeter Wave Spherical Near-Field Measurements
Documents techniques
Application of the Translated-SWE Algorithm for the Characterization of Antennas Installed on Cars Using a Minimum Number of Samples