MVG StarLab 50 GHz @ APS 2019

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MVG StarLab 50 GHz OTA Tester

The STARLAB 50 GHz, by virtue of its compact & mobile features...

...was showcased on site at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS-URSI 2019). MVG offered complimentary passive antenna measurements in the StarLab 50 GHz during the 3-day exhibition. The StarLab 50 GHz is the MVG multi-probe antenna test system designed to meet the upcoming testing challenges of 5G antennas.  It measures several parameters of frequencies from 650 MHz to 50 GHz including gain, directivity, beamwidth, efficiency, radiation pattern, and OTA figures of merit like TRP, TIS, EIRP, and EIS, of antennas sized 45 cm diameter or less.

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