APS/URSI is the premier international event in the field of antennas and wireless propagation. The joint conference is sponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) and the US National Committee (USNC) of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).
The 7-day conference program includes keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and government sectors, panels and forums, technical sessions featuring peer reviewed technical papers, workshops, and exhibition. The conference will cover all aspects of antennas and propagations, including but not limited to antenna design, modelling, management, measurements, and education.
As a leader in the industry of antenna measurements, MVG is pleased to be Bronze sponsor and participate the IEEE AP-S/URSI 2021 taking place at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from Dec 4th to Dec 10th 2021. We look forward to presenting to you our most innovative 5G testing technology and multi-probe antenna test and measurement solutions.
In addition, MVG’s Scientific Director, Lars Jacob Foged, will be presenting two papers with other fellow authors:
1. Radiative Performance of a Vivaldi Antenna Equipped with Petal-Shaped and Massive Lens will be presented by Renato Cicchetti, Valentina Cicchetti, Orlandino Testa, University of Rome, Italy; Lars Foged, Microwave Vision Italy s.r.l., Italy; Antonio Faraone, Motorola Solutions, Inc., United States. The presentation is taking place on Dec 6thfrom 16:20 – 16:40 (UTC+8)
2. Efficient Modelling of Antenna Measurements Including the Impact of the Anechoic Chamber will be presented by Francesco Saccardi, Maria Alberica Saporetti, Rubén Tena Sánchez, Lars Jacob Foged, MVI, Italy. The presentation is taking place on Dec 7th from 15:20 – 15:40 (UTC+8)