When numerically simulating antenna problems, the accuracy of the antenna representation is crucial to improve the reliability of the results. Integrating the measured near-field (NF) model of the antenna into Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) tools opens new horizons in solving such problems. This approach has been studied for complex and/or large scenarios, antenna placement, scattering issues, and EMC applications [1- 3]. Another appealing use of merging measurements and simulations is the evaluation of antenna coupling [4-6].
Previous investigations regarded an array of three identical cavity-backed cross-dipole antennas [7-8]. In all the experiments the coupling between elements was evaluated only between an NF source and an antenna represented by its full-wave model and fed by ports.
In this new study, following on the heels already presented in the publication [9] in which coupling between multiple simulated NF sources was illustrated using the commercial EM simulation tool Altair Feko [10], we want to show how antenna coupling between NF sources both coming from measurements can be evaluated in numerical simulations. The validation will be done combining two identical NF sources of MVG SMC2200 monocone antennas flush mounted on a rectangular plate. An additional demonstration will be shown on three NF sources of the same monocone on a rotorcraft model.