5G mmWavesデバイスの導入に伴い、アンテナの統合はますます重要になってきています。大気中試験は、製品に組み込まれたアンテナが設計通りに動作することを保証するものです。通信機器の研究開発、製造、認証の各段階において、設計ミスを防ぎ、機器の市場投入までの時間を短縮するためには、無線端末のTotal and Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (TRP - EIRP)、およびSensitivity (TIS - EIS)を無線で測定することが不可欠です。

Pre-compliance SAR evaluation of a smart phone using near-field OTA measurements and advanced post-processing Link approach

Measurement of Transmit and Receive Characteristics of Electrically Large Active Antennas in Spherical Near-Field Systems

Advancements in Antenna Measurement Techniques With Application to Civilian & Military Wireless Communication Devices

Validation of the Fully Probe-Connected Translated-SWE Algorithm for Spherical Near Field Offset Measurements with Min Sampling

High Performance Dual Polarized Near-Field Probe at V-Band Provides Increased Performances for Millimeter Wave Spherical Near-Field Measurements