143 リソース
OTA Testing of Antennas and Devices using Plane Wave Synthesizer
Can I Perform EMC and Antenna Measurement Testing in the Same Chamber?
Over-The-Air Testing of Receive Diversity and MIMO Capable Terminals
L/S & C bands medium gain ridge horn intercomparison campaign results
EMC Pre-Compliance Test Chambers
Experimental Validation of the Translated-SWE Technique Applied to Automotive Measurements over PEC-Floor at Arbitrary Height
Finding the “Missing Link”
Experimental Comparison of Vehicular Antenna Measurements Performed over Different Floors
Equivalent Source Technique Processing of Broadband Antenna Measurements
Echo reduction properties of fast non-redundant planar NF sampling methodologies
Diagnostics on electrically large structures by a nested skeletonization scheme enhancement of the equivalent current technique
Validation of the Fully Probe-Connected Translated-SWE Algorithm for Spherical Near Field Offset Measurements with Min Sampling