現代の自動車は、モバイル通信やV2X(Vehicle to Everything)通信のために多くの無線通信システムを統合しています。性能試験は、システムレベルで高速かつ信頼性の高い電磁界測定を提供するOTA(Over-the-Air)試験ソリューションに移行しつつあります。

Parallax Compensation in Offset-Mounted Spherical Near-Field Vehicular Antenna Measurements with Probe Effects for FFT-Based NFFFTs

Infographic - Which MVG multi-probe near-field antenna test system fits your antenna testing needs?

Experimental Validation of Linear Multiprobe Arrays for Fast and Accurate PNF Antenna Characterizations

Application of the Translated-SWE Algorithm for the Characterization of Antennas Installed on Cars Using a Minimum Number of Samples

The Missing Link between Numerical Simulation and Antenna Measurements with Application to Flush Mounted Antennas

Feasibility and Accuracy of Antenna Placement Analysis based on Measured Sources and Commercial Numerical Tools

Accurate Calibration of Truncated Spherical Near Field Systems with Different Ground Floors using the Substitution Technique

Comparative Investigation of Spatial Filtering Techniques for Ground Plane Removal in PEC-Based Automotive Measurements

Virtual Drive Testing based on Automotive Antenna Measurements for Evaluation of Vehicle-to-X Communication Performances