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测试可穿戴设备有一系列独特的挑战。由于必须在短时间内进入市场,再加上无故障的连接,在接近人体时效率会降低,而且可穿戴设备的体积也会变小,这些都是任何同类领先的天线测试解决方案的关键标准。 MVG利用探针阵列技术创造了一系列可穿戴设备测试解决方案,这要归功于其对近场球形几何形状的独特使用,可以在真人穿戴的多个位置对无线设备进行快速、准确的测试。
SG Evo
400 MHz - 50000 MHz
400 MHz - 6000 MHz
SG 64
70 MHz - 18000 MHz
SG 24
400 MHz - 10000 MHz
650 MHz - 18000 MHz
StarLab 50 GHz
650 MHz - 50000 MHz
MiniLAB | 6 GHz OTA
650 MHz - 6000 MHz
MVG WaveStudio
Antenna Measurement Services
SG 32
SG Evo – Download the poster
Accurate Antenna Characterisation at VHF/UHF Frequencies with Plane Wave Generator Systems
5G Antenna Test and Measurement Systems Overview
60 GHz Reference Chip Antenna for Gain Verification of Millimeter Wave Test Chambers
Experimental validation of Reference Chip Antennas for 5G Measurement Facilities at mm-Wave
OTA Testing of Antennas and Devices using Plane Wave Synthesizer
介绍StarWave - 首席技术官Per Iversen访谈
Relative Phase Reconstruction Based on Multiprobe Solutions and Post-Processing Techniques
Over the Air Testing of Active Antenna System Base Stations in Compact Antenna Test Range
Combining Measurements and Simulations for antenna coupling analysis
High Performance Dual Polarized Near-Field Probe at V-Band Provides Increased Performances for Millimeter Wave Spherical Near-Field Measurements
Measurement Uncertainties in Millimeter Wave “On-Chip” Antenna Measurements
Design of Dual Polarized Wide Band Plane Wave Generator for Direct Far Field Testing
Reduced Sampling in NF Antenna Measurement Using Numerical Defined Expansion Functions
Testing Antenna Chip-Sets under Thermal Conditions